The Howard Gardner Award is presented by AuctionsPlus to an Assessor who demonstrates the values of innovation, loyalty, humility and community in their efforts to guide the next generation of assessors forward. This award honors the contribution of Howard Gardner in paving the way forward for livestock marketing, as the Original Chief Executive Officer of the company.
The successful recipient of the Howard Gardner Award will be:
• a well-known mentor and leader of early career assessors
• an active, AuctionsPlus-accredited assessor with over 10 years' experience of listing on AuctionsPlus
• a champion and innovative user of the AuctionsPlus platform & technology.
• someone who demonstrates a high level of personal integrity, community engagement and carries on the legacy of Howard Gardner.
AuctionsPlus reserves the right to have sole discretion over the selection of award winners.
This year's Howard Gardner Award is presented to Geoff Rice of AWN Langlands Hanlon.
Committed to securing the best outcomes for his clients, Geoff's dedication and loyalty to his clients - as well as the AuctionsPlus platform - through the highs and lows of seasons past make him the very worthy recipient of this year's Howard Gardner Award.
"I feel quite humbled to be this year's recipient of the award," Geoff said.
"I knew Howard and how committed he was to the livestock and agricultural industry, and to win this award makes me feel I must be on the right track."
Ever since the early days of AuctionsPlus (then known as CALM), Col has shared Howard Gardner’s trailblazing attitude to livestock marketing.
Along with his business partner of the time, Col was an early adopter and key advocate of CALM/AuctionsPlus, playing a key role in driving knowledge and uptake of the platform in the west.
To this day, Col - along with his wife Kerry and their family - remains among the most committed AuctionsPlus agents in our network. With a large base of exceptionally loyal clients, Col’s commitment to his own community and his belief in the AuctionsPlus platform is extraordinary.
AuctionsPlus is a market leader in providing online services for the buying and selling of livestock. We provide the best product possible to assist with a value-added livestock trading experience that make AuctionsPlus the most effective way to buy and sell livestock.