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Why sell machinery with AuctionsPlus?

We are the largest and most trusted agricultural marketplace in Australia and chances are the prospective buyers you are looking for have used us before.

Australia's Largest National Audience

Ensure maximum exposure across your sale with over 266,000 unique visitors every month.

Access buyers who can bid anywhere anytime

Over 11,000 catalogue views on average with 1,000+ users online per machinery auction.

Book a Machinery Sale
Want to sell your machinery online? Submit a booking form & we will be in contact!
Listing Fees
View the 2023 AuctionsPlus listing fees for Machinery Sales
Contact Our Machinery Team
Don't have an agent or have a query? You can contact our Machinery Sales team here.
$150+ million
total transaction value (FY21/22)
unique users each month
online per machinery auction

Three easy steps to lock in your next sale.

Choose your type of sale
Whether you are looking to list items in our monthly multi-vendor auction, sell via classifieds, host your own standalone online-only sale or interface alongside a physical sale... we have the solution for you.
Fill in our booking form
Access our online booking form and fill in all the relevant details including sale name and location, dates, sale type, agent details and more.
Sale confirmed & locked in!
Once you submit the form, our machinery sales team will be in contact with you to discuss and confirm your sale. You will then be able to provide photos and details for each lot/item.

What are the different ways to sell online?


AuctionsPlus Fortnightly Multi-Vendor Sale

No Upfront Cost & 2 Free Reoffers

Only have a handful of items to list? The AuctionsPlus Multi-Vendor Sale runs every fortnight hosting a variety of items from multiple different sellers.


auctionsplus machinery offer

Standalone Single or Multi-Vendor Sale

Online Only or Interfaced Sale

Reach buyers from all over Australia with your own dedicated standalone single or multi-vendor sale. Hosting your sale on-farm? Increase bidding competition both online and on-farm by streaming audio and/or video direct from the sale to your online bidders.


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List in AuctionsPlus Classifieds

30 Day Listing

List anything from farm machinery, used cars, earth moving equipment, hay, sundries and more in a 30 day listing on AuctionsPlus Classifieds.


Glenroy Clearing Sale Case Study

Offering a total of 315 lots which included more than 25 tractors, 20 vehicles, multiple trucks and a variety of broadacre cropping equipment the vendors were looking to get access to the largest buyer pool possible.

The agents conducting the sale, TDC Livestock and Property, were existing users of AuctionsPlus and with the number of lots available, it was a ‘no brainer’ to support the physical sale with an online interface presence.

Book your Sale Now

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61% of gross Auction takings streamed from successful online bidding, contributing to $4.39 million of the total $7.2 million.
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Over 16,700 catalogue views and 4,645 online bids from prospective buyers from all over Australia.
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309 lots with online bids from potential buyers across 7 different states and territories.
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The sale grossed a sum of $7.2 million dollars, with online purchases contributing $4.39 million or 61% of the gross auction takings. A total of 149 lots or 47% of the catalogue sold to online buyers from five different states.

Glenroy Clearing Sale, March 2022
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More information

What can I sell in a machinery auction?
From agricultural machinery, second-hand cars, motorbikes, earth-moving equipment, spare parts, boats and even planes! There is no limit to what can be sold in an AuctionsPlus multi-vendor or standalone auction.
Do I need an agent to sell on Auctionsplus?
Yes. All items sold must be listed through a licenced agent. The agent will handle pre-auction inquiries, discuss your reserve prices, manage the delivery and facilitate payment for the items.
What if I don't have an agent?
If you do not have a nominated agent, you can use the AuctionsPlus agent search found here.
How much does it cost to sell machinery on AuctionsPlus?
The AuctionsPlus listing fees can be found here.