Sell Machinery on AuctionsPlus Classifieds

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Interested in trailing classifieds?

Contact our team to find out more or to start listing on classifieds.

List Machinery on Classifieds for 30 Days

Advertise your machinery listing on Australia's largest agricultural marketplace and access over 215,000 average monthly users.

30 Day Listing + 2 Free Reoffers
A classified listing runs for 30 days and if your item does not sell, it's eligible for 2 free reoffers.
No Minimum Listing Amount
List anywhere from 1 to 500 items per month.
Offer in the AuctionsPlus Multi-Vendor Auction
Lots can be offered in the AuctionsPlus Fortnightly Multi-Vendor Auction at any time.

More information

What can I sell on AuctionsPlus Classifieds?
From agricultural machinery, second-hand cars, motorbikes, earth-moving equipment, spare parts, boats, hay and even planes! There is no limit to what can be sold.
Do I need an agent to sell on classifieds?
Yes. All items sold must be listed through a licenced agent.
What if I don't have an agent?
If you do not have a nominated agent, you can use the AuctionsPlus agent search found here.
How much does it cost to list on classifieds?
Contact our team via the form above to find out how much it costs to list.
Where can I find classifieds?
You can view what's currently on offer on classifieds here.